The cave can be approached by walking from Hills Farm in an almost due West direction to the beach. The cave faces North West and can be found almost at the top of the rock face of Prissen's Tor
A small double rock shelter about 7 metres wide by 3 metres with two blind side passages leading off the back of the shelter. Archaeological remains were found in the cave in the late 19th Century.
Brendan Marris 2017
Proc.Swansea Science and Field Naturalist Society 2, 263-290. 1947. Location, description and archaeology.
Gower Caves, Allen,E.E. & Rutter,J.G. 1948
British Caver 20, 61-68, 1950
Britain Underground, 1953
Caves in Wales and the Marches (Dalesman), Jenkins, D.W. & Williams, A.M., 1967. Location description and brief details.
Bulletin of Board of Celtic Studies. 2(1/2), 14-17 1938. Caves and shell heaps
British Caving (Routledge, Kegan Paul) Cullingford,C.H.D., 2nd Ed. 1962
Rep. Royal Institution of South Wales. 4, 30-31, 1838-39. Archaeological Excavation
QJGS 16, 489-491, 1860. Excavation of bones
Pal. Mem. 11, 1868. Archaeology
QJGS 16, 192-217, 1869. Dist. of Post Glacial Mammals
Cave Hunting (Macmillan), Dawkins,W.B. 874
A History of West Gower, Davies,J.D., 1879, Pt.ii: Hist. Notices of Llanmadoc and Cheriton.
Geol.Mag. 443 1884/Cat. Foss. Man in Brit. Mus. 128 1885. Archaeology
The Caves of Gower (Gower Society),Grenfell,H and Morris, B, 1971, p.14