
Bacon Hole, CSGCAA.ML90

NGR: SS 56040 86836
24 m.asl

Swansea , Gower
map using leaflet map:
Access Approach by the cliff path from Pennard. The cave is situated at the bottom of a steep slope on the Western side of Hunt's Bay
Description A large chamber 20 metres wide and 7 metres high, with an inner recess which was protected by a grille. Important bone cave of archaeological interest. It has also been suggested that the cave itself dates back to at least the Triassic.
History E.R.Wood 1850; W.J.Sollas, H.E.P.Breuil 1912; C.B.Stringer 1983
Conservation SSSI: 1036 Pwll-du Head and Bishopston Valley (Mixed/M) GCR: 1193,1366
Axbridge CG nl. Feb 1965, p.13
Rep. British Assoc. Trans. Sect. 62-63, 1848. Fossil remains
Ann. Rep. Swansea Lit. and Sci. Soc. 10-18, 1852. Cave Deposits
QJGS 16, 489-491, 1860. Bone excavations
QJGS 25, 192-217, 1869. Dist. of Post Glacial Mammals
Cave Hunting (Macmillan), Dawkins,W.B. 1874
Ann. Rep. Swansea Lit. and Sci. Soc. 75-86, 1912-13. Archaeological Interest.
Proc.Swansea Sci. Field and Nat. Soc. 2, (4/5), 130-132, 1941. Archaeology
Proc.Swansea Sci. Field and Nat. Soc. 2, (1), 221-246, 1944. Location, description and details of excavation.
British Caver 4, 13-19, 1939
British Caver 17, 36-43, 1947
Gower Caves (Welsh Guides), Allen and Rutter, , 1948
Cullingford,C.H.D. (1951), Exploring Caves, pp.52-53
Britain Underground, 1953
British Caving (Routledge, Kegan Paul) Cullingford,C.H.D., 2nd Ed. 1962
Caves in Wales and the Marches (Dalesman), Jenkins, D.W. & Williams, A.M., 1963. Location description and brief details.
Owen, T.R., Gower Vol.18, pp.47-48[in] Gower in Triassic Times [suggests Triassic infill]
The Caves of Gower (Gower Society),Grenfell,H and Morris, B, 1971, p.4
Griffiths, A.P., Gower Vol.23, pp.76-77Recent work at Bacon Hole
Stringer, Christopher, Gower Vol.26, pp.32-37A preliminary report on new excavations at Bacon Hole Cave
Stringer, Christopher, Gower Vol.28, pp.36-44Evidence of Climatic Change and Human Occupation During the last Interglacial at Bacon Hole Cave, Gower
Trans BCRA 4(4), pp.441-442, 1977, C.J.O.Harrison, Non-Passerine Birds of the Ipswichian Interglacial from Gower Caves
Megaw, J.V.S. and Green, H.S., Gower Vol.29, pp.52-54A Possible Bone Flute from Bacon Hole Cave, Gower
Caves of South Wales, Stratford, T., 1995
Davies, M, 1993, Caves of the South Gower Coast: an archaeological assessment
NT heritage record
Brendan Marris Caves of the South Gower Coast
Cambrian Cave Registry entry 1128
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