The site is situated in a small disused quarry along the eastern side of the Oreton-Prescott road, 183 metres NE of the New Inn, Oreton and 90 metres South of Oreton Main Quarry workings (now disused). It is found in the SE portion of the quarry and now much overgrown, Entrance to this quarry is via a gated entrance found on the NE side of the main road NE of the New Inn. This is private property and permission to visit is required from the owners (enquire locally).
A small sink which only becomes active In wet weather. Water sinks in the quarry floor and adjacent is a small fissure, 2 metres wide and 150mm in height which steeply descends for some 6 metres and is totally un-negotiable. Slight draughting occurs in the fissure which takes water during wet weather. Site dug and recorded by
Duncan Glasfurd 1968. No further excavations since.
Recorded by Hereford Caving Club 1970.
Proc, Geol, Soc. Jan. 8th. 1862; "The Carb, Limestone of Oreton and Farlow, Clee Hills, Shropshire by Prof. Morris and Mr. G.E.Roberts. p.96 ref. to 'In one of the deepest of the Oreton Quarries, quarrymen struck an underground stream about 50ft from the surface, describing it as a constant stream occasionally greatly swollen by floods".