
Ogof Diwedd Yr Enfys

NGR: SN 79741 19233
430 m.asl

Powys , Northern Outcrop - West (Black Mountain)
map using leaflet map:
Sink Cave
Access Difficult to find on flanks of Afon Twrch in a small depression taking a small stream. Liable to Severe Flooding
Description A small streamway leads for about 152 metres to a wide bedding plane which is low and wet followed by a tight duck. The stream soon disappears down narrow rifts and the passage continues as a dry sandy crawl. A small inlet enters from the right and two muddy squeezes are negotiated before the passage briefly opens up again. A small chamber can be seen beyond a too-tight squeeze.
History Unknown, then Craven Pothole Club 12/05/81 and extended 4/7/1981 - Nig Rogers and Nelson Goodwin.
Hydrology Dye tested by W.Gascoine, August 1982 - not conclusive; Nig Rogers: +ve to Ffrwd Las Tests

Brendan Marris
Caves and Caving No. 13 (Aug. 81), p.12
Caves and Caving No. 14 (Nov. 81), p.40
SWCC Newsletter 97, 1983, pp.8-11, Bill Gascoine, A Hydrological Study of the Dan Yr Ogof and Ffrwd Las Resurgences
SWCC Newsletter 98, 1983, pp.14-16
CSS Newsletter 25/10, 1983, pp.154-159, Thunder and Lightning, Clive Gardener
Descent 58, 1984, Hoping it's dry at the End of the Rainbow
Gascoine, W., (1989), Hydrology of the limestone outcrop, pp.52-53 in in Limestones & Caves of Wales
SWCC Newsletter 106, 1990, pp.5-7, Bill Gascoine, A Hydrological Study of the Dan-yr-Ogof and Ffrwd Las Resurgences
The Caves of Carmarthen, 1990, p.38
Caves of South Wales, 1995, p.120
SWCC Newsletter 118, 1996, p.208, Nig Rogers, Somewhere Under the Black Mountain
Cambrian Cave Registry entry 173
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