Waun Fignen Felen Main Sink, Waen Fignen Felin Main Sink, Wiggy Wiggy, Dolphin's Folly
NGR: SN 82565 17667 460 m.asl
, Northern Outcrop - West (Black Mountain)
map using leaflet map:
Big sink at foot of rock wall ending a large deep dry valley at the Southern end of the Waen Fignen Felin bog. A substantial locked gate was installed in cemented stonework in 2022
Arduous chokes with occasional impressive sections?
Dug since 1938 (Dragon Group), then mostly SWCC (Clive Jones et al). The site has been dug off and on for a long time, early attempts were made in 1937. The dig was about 30 metres deep in 1967 following a significant team effort by SWCC, but had been completely filled in by 1998. Major extensions 2021-2
Fluorescein test in very wet weather by Dai Hunt took 8 hours to DYO resurgence (believed to be via Far North)