Pant Mawr Pot, Pwll Pant Mawr, Pant Mawr, Fan Fraith Pot
NGR: SN 89090 16127 436 m.asl
, Northern Outcrop - Central (Penwyllt to Penderyn)
map using leaflet map:
The entrance shaft is situated in a deep depression on Pant Mawr to the West of the Nedd Fechan valley. Approach from SWCC HQ at Penwyllt for a one hour walk. The depression has a fence around it.
The caving rights over Pant Mawr moor are vested in the SWCC. See for current Access arrangements
A fine cave of large proportions which contains a sizeable stream and some fine calcite decorations.
A 15 metre pothole leads to a chamber and after a boulder choke to a large passage which continues for over a kilometre via several boulder chokes. The cave ends in a sump, normally 122m long to an airbell in a fault guided rift blocked by boulders and gravel.
perhaps fround by Glennie and Platten, but first explored by Jimmy Braithwate 1936; G.Platten, E.E.Roberts,1937. Extended by W.Clarke & E.Aslett 1953; WSG 1993
Fluorescein test by Harvey in 1952 - 5 days to Little Neath River.