
Ogof o Flaen-y-Waun, Ogof o'Flaen-y-Waun

NGR: SN 89510 16051
424 m.asl

Powys , Northern Outcrop - Central (Penwyllt to Penderyn)
map using leaflet map:
Access Situated on Pant Mawr to the West of the Nedd Fechan valley. The entrance is a small sinkhole situated a few hundred metres East of Pant Mawr Pot and is difficult to find.
Description A drop down through a hole leads to a crawl and after a short distance, the stream disappears into a low bedding. A muddy crawl to the right bypasses the bedding and eventually drops back into the stream at the other end. The passage slowly becomes wider and a short side passage can be entered through boulders on the right. The main passage continues and is large enough to stand in but gradually becomes lower and wider until the stream sinks in a low bedding blocked by stones.
History SWCC 1970. Extended by WSG
Hydrology Tests
Conservation SSSI: 0930

Brendan Marris
WSG (1994)
Descent 117, 1994
WSG,Bull 9(7), 1994, pp.35-37 Tim Barter, Ogof o'Flaen-y-Waun
Caves of South Wales, Stratford, T., 1995
Cambrian Cave Registry entry 401
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